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press releases and interviews 

On July 12 - September 29, 2022 Neutrino Geology SA conducted a crowdfunding issue via the Navigator Crowd platform.

the issue has ended!

crowdfunding campaign

Neutrino Geology


As part of promotional activities with the help of a PR agency, the Company conducted an information campaign via social media (Facebook, LinkedIn), traditional media (radio, press, internet) and industry platforms dealing with crowdfunding. Thanks to the publications of, among others in Gazeta Wyborcza, Rzeczpospolita,, Polish Radio and the most popular science blog in the country,, the information about the neutrino detector being under construction reached hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Poles.​

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As part of direct meetings with potential investors, Neutrino Geology SA reached several thousand people via webinars, which were held, among others, on

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Neutrino Geology Inc.

KRS: 0000939839

REGON: 369002384

NIP: 7010790183

Warsaw HQ:

16 Podchorążych St. U. 14

00-721 Warsaw

Cracow Office:

39 Zabłocie St, U. 16c and U. 414

30-701 Cracow

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